IILS Law of the Sea Program

The UP Law Center’s Institute of International Legal Studies through its Law of the Sea Program envisions a continuous process of critical inquiry into issues, events and trends in the national and international spheres to contribute to the formulation of a responsive and comprehensive legal policy framework for ocean management and development

This is in recognition of the vital role marine and coastal areas play in the country’s efforts to attain progress and peace. Thus, through the Program, the Institute conducts researches and interactive fora highlighting the ocean perspective of domestic and policy concerns, taking into account the multidimensional aspects of such perspective.

The Law of the Sea program has conducted four roundtable discussions and other discussions attended by high government officials to discuss important issues like the Scarborough Shoal Claim. The program also initiated a Philippine maritime and trade history project which is a multidisciplinary research effort to be undertaken by 30 scholars. Moreover, the program has established and maintained a sufficient network with the technical and science people in the government and private sector, sent a representative to an international conference; and produced 13 research publications related to ocean concerns.

The Law of the Sea Program coordinates the publication of the Ocean Law and Policy Series focusing on specific areas of ocean law and policy concerns. This biannual publication is intended for policy makers and practitioners, providing a channel for information and ideas between all sectors concerned.

The program plans to host a national conference and exhibit on ocean technology showcasing the state of the art in ocean technology in defense, tourism, environmental protection, fisheries and marine living resources management and transportation to show the vital role that technology plays in promoting the country’s national development and security goals. Furthermore, the program intends to publish an ocean law and policy textbook, and continuously hold roundtable discussions on issues.

IILS is one of the four institutes constituting the UP Law Center through which the research and outreach functions of the UP College of Law are carried out. The main work of IILS is to identify the major problem areas in Philippine international relations, organize and support research activities in these areas, and develop expertise in dealing with these problems. IILS is also envisaged as a base for sustained opportunities for Filipino scholars to contribute to the solution of regional and global problems vitally affecting the country.

The establishment of IILS is a recognition on the part of the University of the need to focus scientific and scholarly inquiry into alternative approaches or strategies in dealing with foreign policy questions.